Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut - SDCC 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Behold Domino Jack....!!!!  The brand new figure from Paul Kaiju that made his debut at the of Fist Full of Dominoes show at SDCC this year. This guy is my new favorite toy. He's a humanoid robot with a 70's nod to Astro Boy with a giant fist cast in clear vinyl half-painted Kikaida homage. Inside true to his name are some toy jacks.  This is one of those toys that I would buy in every colorway until I have like 50. Best toy that Paul produces in my opinion.

UPDATE: PK was kind enough to offer a little backstory on Domino Jack:

Police type Robot sentinel created by the very civilization Dr. Velm Q (now Salamander Joe) betrayed. Put in place to prevent him from escaping Earth and returning home.This in itself causes much turmoil with the creatures that have turned against Velm Q, and the evil robots of the Machine hell.

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Paul Kaiju Domino Jack Debut SDCC 2014

Ollie by Mutant Vinyl Hardcore painted by Martin Ontiveros - SDCC 2014

MVH Ollie painted by Martin Ontiveros

Martin Ontiveros is one of my favorite artists. So when I walked up to the "Tough Guys Only" booth at SDCC on Preview Night which consists of Bwana Spoons, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, Martin and the Gargamel crew, I was immediately drawn to this handpainted Ollie which is produced by Mutant Vinyl Hardcore. The colors were right and Martin's linework look amazing on this guy.  So this Ollie become the very first purchase at SDCC this year.  Thanks Martin..!!

MVH Ollie painted by Martin Ontiveros

MVH Ollie painted by Martin Ontiveros

MVH Ollie painted by Martin Ontiveros

MVH Ollie painted by Martin Ontiveros

MVH Ollie painted by Martin Ontiveros

MVH Ollie painted by Martin Ontiveros

MVH Ollie painted by Martin Ontiveros

MVH Ollie painted by Martin Ontiveros

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun - SDCC 2014

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Here's an interesting pick up from Lulubell Toys at SDCC. It's called Bella Muerta and it's a figure produced by Grody Shogun with Maruyama Gangu and painted by tattoo artist Evil Dave.  Personally I love stuff like this. Amy was kind enough to let me inspect and fondle all of them in order to choose the perfect one and I think I have her.  Awesome art on each side of the figure as you can see. The colors, details, line work. Just amazing. There are still a couple available at the Lulubell link above...!

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Bella Muerta by Evil Dave x Grody Shogun

Monday, August 04, 2014



As promised, i've dusted off the old DSLR and took some pictures of a few of the toys I scored this year at SDCC.  Definitely a sleeper hit for me is this NEO JAPAN figure from RESTORE. When I saw preview pictures, it really didn't do this figure justice.  I wasn't sure what to make out of it. He's got a giant sword which is very cool and this Guyver-like suit which is cool, but no mask or helmet so I found it a bit odd.  But then I saw this guy in person and my mind completely changed. To put a mask or helmet on this amazingly sculpted and painted head would be a shame.  The level of details on this figure are insane. The expression and paint application on the head alone is fantastic. The joints are painted black underneath.  The sword has a tiny peg that flips out and allows you to insert the sword on his back when not in use. It's hard to see, but the body has very delicate pink purple shading going on. Very subtle and amazing.

His name is Mr. Okada and he's 57 years old and he's a super toy geek. His favorite phrase is: "Dumb Fuck".  lol... I love this guy.

Thanks to my pals Amy and Luke from Lulubell Toys for bringing him to SDCC..!!!









Gargamel Garudan by Kiyoka Ikeda SDCC 2014

Gargamel Garudan

Here is the new Garudan figure designed and handpainted by Kiyoka Ikeda of Gargamel. It's a new bird-like head with an inner head and new fiery wings. Maybe it's some kind of Phoenix. The body is a Deathra body. Personally my favorite large figure from Gargamel is the Deathra. But this year for SDCC, Gargamel brought a lot of these new Garudan. It took me a little while, but i'm really taking a liking to this new guy. I really don't like bird toys. Not sure why, just never have been into toys with beaks. But I really appreciate the clear fiery head with the translucent paint and matching wings. If you notice, this one has a 3rd eye as well.  Some only have two eyes. I'm glad I ended up picking up this guy because I have a new appreciation for this sculp and of course, the colorway is amazing. 

Gargamel Garudan

Clear body to show off the painted guts?  yes, please.

Gargamel Garudan

The 3rd eye sees all.

Gargamel Garudan

Love the new fiery wings

Gargamel Garudan

Looks like candy, doesn't it?

Gargamel Garudan

Gargamel Garudan