Thursday, September 30, 2010

Undead Nightmare Expansion Pack for Red Dead Redemption

ok, this is pretty damn cool. Undead Nightmare expansion pack for Red Dead Redemption which is one of the few games I actually finished. Downloadable soon... Thanks for the heads up Lixx!

Check out the debut trailer for the Undead Nightmare Pack. Unleashed upon the world of Red Dead Redemption, the Undead Nightmare Pack will feature an entirely new mostly single-player campaign that follows John Marston as he tries to find a cure for the highly infectious zombie plague that has spread across the frontier.

In addition to this epic new single-player adventure, the Undead Nightmare Pack also features brand new gameplay mechanics, weapons, zombie animals, mythical creatures and even a brand new secret location. All this, plus some exciting new multiplayer details and much more to be revealed very soon.

New Trailer: The Warriors Way

ok, this new movie looks amazing. Same old story. extremely bad-ass Assassin suddenly develops morals and will not kill a baby (Ninja Assassin). All of the assassins in asia are sent to kill him and he flees for the old West where he tries to adjust to western life (Kung Fu) while they send another army of assassins after him.

It's on iTunes Movie Trailers right now, but worth hitting the link HERE

The Warrior's Way, a visually-stunning modern martial arts western starring Korean actor Dong-gun Jang who plays an Asian warrior assassin forced to hide in a small town in the American Badlands. Rounding out the ensemble cast are Kate Bosworth (Superman Returns), Oscar(R)-winner Geoffrey Rush (Shine), Danny Huston (The Kingdom), and Tony Cox (The Hustle).The fantasy action film was written and directed by newcomer Sngmoo Lee, and is being produced by Barrie M. Osborne (Lord of the Rings), Jooick Lee (Seven Swords) and Michael Peyser (Hackers).

Upcoming Releases from Super 7

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KaToPe's Drunk Seijin watches from a distant fantastic planet, sees all, knows all. First painted release available Saturday, October 2nd.�

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Choco Rose Vampire and Thrashout Pocket Mummy Boy debuts at the Super 7 Grand Opening on Haight Street Oct. 9th

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D-Lux custom toy show @ S7
D-Lux custom toy show @ S7

Steven is stepping out in style! The Bagel chomping drummer of Soft Crusher goes from metal to glam in his fancy new glitter outfit, available October 16th.�
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New Vids from EL MAC


The Humble and Sublime: recent works by EL MAC from ELMAC on Vimeo.

el Mac & Retna - Thai Town mural (2010) from ELMAC on Vimeo.

I met EL MAC at his solo show at Fifty24SF. yes...PH, I totally regret not getting the exclusive show print..ugh..

el Mac @ Fifty24SF

How about this one of Princess Amidala with her daugher's hairdoo? It's inside a corporate office so you will never see it unless you visit. cool, eh?


3A WWRp Reds and Frosty Choads Coming!!

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Squads are cool. I like squads. Here are two. Part of the earlier pre-order ages ago. I think I was on that pre-order, but still missed the surprise window.

WWRp LM Frosty Choads set which includes:
1x Deep Powder Large Martin
1x Deep Powder Damn Large Martin
1x Deep Powder RPG Bramble
1x Deep Powder MK2 Bertie with shotgun
1x Deep Powder mini Square²

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More photos of WWRp LMs , this time Red under the bed set, which was surprise set and included:

1x Big Red Large Martin
1x Big Red Damn Large Martin
1x Kruschev Memorial guard RPG Bramble
1x Kruschev Memorial guard Sabre MK2 Bertie
1x Kruschev Memorial guard Mini Ыquare

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

3A WWRp LM and RPG Bramble Pics

Ashley posted some new pics of the already Pre-Ordered WWRp LM and RPG Brambles. I think I ordered these, but it's been so long, I honestly can't remember. While 3A is trying to reduce the wait time, i'll let my buddy Phil over at do the complaining for me HERE.



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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

INCUBOT Voltron 2gb USB Drive Review...!

The INCUBOT Voltron USB Drive is definitely the coolest USB drive that you will ever own. It's waaay better than those Mimobot things that they keep churning out. This Voltron is more like a toy that happens to be a a USB drive. It's expensive though. at $43, you can get some really cool toys and forget about the USB thing altogether. And while it's cool to have on your desk and super cool to bust out when copying files from your colleagues, it's not super portable in the sense that I would carry this thing in my pocket everyday. It does come with the Blazing Sword and you know how I feel about weapons and accessories. More importantly, the chest shield lights up red when in use and it comes pre-loaded with a full episode of classic Voltron, remastered. One thing to note is that it's big so if you have a laptop, the arms might get in the way when using. Regardless, INCUBOT has plans to license other robots from your childhood and then it just plain becomes a collecting thing. Your desk becomes a battle ground with a bunch of 3" robots that happen to be useful. And when your boss asks what the hell you're doing with a bunch of robots on your desk, you can hand him one and say "The TP Reports are here...." lol....

INCUBOT Voltron 2gb USB Drive

INCUBOT Voltron 2gb USB Drive

INCUBOT Voltron 2gb USB Drive

INCUBOT Voltron 2gb USB Drive

GREEN DEATH by Brian Ralph

The web is a wonderous thing. I spied these awesome looking toys on Paul Kaiju's flickr. It was obvious he painted them, but I wasn't sure if it was a new sculpt he created. Dr. Dave then chimed in to let me know that this figure was GREEN DEATH by comic artist Brian Ralph . Which then led me to his Cosmo-Psycho blog where I stole these pics.

This toy really has it all. stylized skull face, Devilman-like wings, Getter-like forearm blades. Looks a bit Mignola-esque? I mean that in the best way. It's a great looking toy and I want a half-dozen on my desk immediately. It's a rare occasion that the toy actually turned out better than the reference art.

Green Death by Brian Ralph

Green Death by Brian Ralph

Green Death by Brian Ralph

Green Death by Brian Ralph

Green Death by Brian Ralph

Green Death by Brian RalphGreen Death by Brian Ralph

Green Death by Brian Ralph

Paul Kaiju NYCC Preview?

Paul Kaiju resins

NYCC is only a couple of weeks away. I'm sure Paul Kaiju is bringing a whole assortment of Boss Carrions. I'm also looking forward to his new mini boss resins here and especially to the BiterGlyos figures. Crazy!

Paul Kaiju resins

Paul Kaiju resins

Paul Kaiju resins

Paul Kaiju resins